Trump Ad Says Democratic Foes Will Be ‘Complicit’ in Murders by Illegal Immigrants

The Trump campaign released a tough ad Saturday saying that Democrats who oppose the president’s border security policies will be “complicit for every murder committed by illegal immigrants.”

“Build the wall. Deport criminals. Stop illegal immigration now. Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants,” says the ad by Donald J. Trump for President.

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3 Thoughts to “Trump Ad Says Democratic Foes Will Be ‘Complicit’ in Murders by Illegal Immigrants”

  1. Randall

    Not only do we need the Wall ,but more electric chairs.

  2. Kevin

    Trump is spot on! One of the most basic of responsibilities that we citizens entrusted to the Federal government, is to protect us! So yes any part of the Federal government which fails to protect us, is guilty.

    The one minor point missing in this article…there are plenty of RINO Republucans with blood on there hands too! Drain the swamp!
